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Eat More Food To Lose Weight: 3 Reasons

All people from time to time ( especially those who are overweight ) ask me if is possible for a person to eat more food to lose weight. Well, there's a golden rule for dieters and non - diet : Eat often, but eat less. This could be the best way to ensure that you lose weight, but we tend not to make changes in our diet.
It is just to eat more food to lose weight.
And here's why :
When you eat 5 or 6 times a day , sometimes we sit for every meal just feel a little twinge of desire for food , instead of wanting to eat nothing visible ( a) when we are really hungry . Eating a lot of food every day will help us to enjoy the best food, which, again , can improve the quality of our lives and change our relationship with food .
By eating frequently , is less likely to be very hungry . Once you eat a snack mid-morning and mid-afternoon , not hungry at mealtime (lunch ) or after work . Are less likely to overeat. Therefore, it makes sense to eat more food to lose weight. For each snack or meal , eat protein and carbohydrates, such as apple with peanut butter , cereal with milk or a turkey sandwich . It takes more time to digest proteins carbohydrates , and you will be more satisfied .
Metabolism cost to accelerate once fed . Our body is less likely to go into " survival mode " as it does when we go for long without food, or the lack of time, and then overeating. Often eat , your body thinks you are getting fuel to be without fault in a power supply. It will continue to burn those calories, and you will begin to feel the results quickly.
Therefore, it is good to eat more food to lose weight as the saying goes : Eat often, but eat less. It is also very useful for the other side of weight control when you go to six meals ( meal) every day.
Since we do not feel very hungry , our attention spans can be improved , and our concentration, which in turn leads to increased productivity and better overall mood . When you eat a lot of food, you tend to eat more nutritious , as there would be full of empty calories.

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