here are the solutions for your problem:

Losing Weight Can Improve Your Sex Life

Of course , the more attractive we are to our partner , the most interesting we feel, and we feel more attractive , the more our sex life. The fact that a person might be carrying a few extra pounds does not mean they are not attractive and does not look sexy , it is an attitude , a complete package, and weight has nothing to do with it. Some of the sexiest people I met were more than your ideal weight.
But I recently read an article in the lifestyle of our health section of local newpaper said that weight loss can improve your sex life, especially if you're a man.

I bet you want to know how , huh? Well, I did a little research and between WebMD and my local newspaper, and I remember my own experience, this is what I discovered.

Losing weight gives more sexual confidence

The self-image is important for good healthy sex life . When a person weighs a little more than you should , your own image could be affected , even if they seem confident about their appearance. Confidence is the sexiest thing of all , and confidence without arrogance leads to a better sex life .

Losing weight means more sexual energy

Let's face it , if you 're overweight, it takes a lot more energy and a different kind of energy to move and be active. For this reason, having extra sexual energy can sometimes be problematic . Sexual activity is exercise, and if done well , can lead to increased heart rate, increased circulation, muscles using muscle groups that are not used for other activities . Losing weight can help increase sexual energy , increasing its total energy. Of course, having a lot of safe and healthy sex can help you lose weight too !

Weight loss for men means more reproductive hormones

According to this study , and the article on WebMD , men who lose weight after being obese (identified as a BMI of 30 or more) can actually see an increase in their reproductive hormones . More hormones, more sexual desire, and perhaps even more confident and sexy than a man like his partner. This figure does not even include the fact that men look better and feel better, then you will want to have sex more often too !

Weight loss makes it easy sex

When a man , in particular, suffer from morbid obesity , especially when the weight is disproportionately distributed around the abdomen and stomach , sexual activity missionary position regularly sexual style can be difficult, especially if the partner in sex is also obese . Although there are alternative sexual positions , and some of them can be fun , having to get creative with sexual positions whenever someone wants to have sex tends to dampen the mood a little. Also, sometimes a missionary quickie can be fun. Losing weight makes things ... Well, more accessible.

Weight loss improves the self-image

I know I 've already talked about the self-image and confidence , but it's really the most important part of a healthy and satisfying sex life appearance. No matter how much you do or do not weigh , if you do not feel good about yourself . If you have a few pounds more than what the doctors say they should weigh , and you are really satisfied with their appearance and sex life is satisfactory, then who am I to tell you to lose weight to make it better ?

However, if your sex life leaves much to be desired, and does not understand why , maybe it is time to step back and see if your image of yourself is part of the problem . What do you think of yourself and what you are and how you look is the is the largest and most important to have a healthy sex life .

When you 're ready to lose weight , you will do for yourself , for whatever reason you choose . Have a more satisfying sex life is just a bonus side effect of losing weight!

Losing Weight and Keeping It Off - 5 Steps to Having Your Ideal Body

Losing weight and keeping it off has become an important goal for almost everyone in the industrialized West , and increasingly , in many parts of Asia , where it was, until recently , not a problem . Studies suggest that the combination of an unhealthy diet , heavy reliance on processed foods , not to mention junk food, a sedentary lifestyle , have unbalanced our metabolism. Overabundance of "Happy Meals" extremely cheap and always available resulted in an attack of obesity in younger people ages epidemic .

Many people have seen the efforts of the First Lady to change school meals and promoting healthy and nutritious alternatives for our children , with varying results . The fact of the matter is that these habits start at home, and mandating what we can and can not eat in a democratic country like ours, is doomed to failure. In addition , the economy is forcing people to cut the round in all aspects of their lives , food is one of them. With dollar menus becoming the norm in all fast food restaurants , healthy alternatives are unable to compete for the consumer dollar means .

But we're not talking about society in general , we are talking about you. And the fact that you are reading this tells me you have the motivation to make a change, the intelligence to do your homework , and common sense to find the best way to go about implementing your plan .

And you want to turn your body into a healthy, strong and fit and be all you can be, right ? Of course you do !

5 Powerful Steps to Weight Loss

So in this article I will break something I've been saying for years 5 manageable steps . Then I'll add a step or two bonus for you, too .

Here we go:

Step 1 - Set Your Goals - The first step in any journey is to know what your destiny is . Otherwise, you may find yourself somewhere, but that may not be where you want to go . It may even be exactly where you do not want to end . So take a deep breath and decide exactly what your ideal body will look like. Do you have an ideal weight ? Body sculpting is you are looking for ? Maybe you just want to get into that bikini that you have in the closet, or as you prepare to be the centerpiece of your wedding and not be overshadowed by his room bridesmaids. Are you looking to be the kind of bodybuilder and the envy of your gym? Write down your goals , and if possible , find an image that shows someone who has the body you are targeting, and PIN where you can see every day.

Step 2 - Cut the junk food - jumbo meals are not helping anyone but the owner of your local fast food franchise , and not worry about it . There will still be more than enough customers. You can eat healthy without breaking the bank , but it may take some effort to adjust their habits. There are several online tools , mostly free , offering tasty choices , affordable meals that are not difficult to prepare. There are even weight class vigilant , ready to eat meals in the freezer of your local supermarket. Not only will you stop accumulating fat , also feel much better very soon , once cut junk food from your diet.

Step 3 - Exercise - You need not go to the gym twice a day, every day, and three times on Sunday . Start slowly , maybe just walk a mile or two in your neighborhood. Walk to the post office instead of driving . Park at the end of the parking lot . Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Then move to the next level . Again, you do not have to join a gym , there are many exercises you can do at home without equipment. It is beyond the scope of this article to give actual exercises , but there are several books available that give you more exercises that can be introduced in a year, and different difficulties so you can gradually increase the pace .

Step 4 - Change your routine - This is a difficult question, and this is where many people fail . You have to change your habits , daily routine , and sad to say , maybe even hang out with . You can only change yourself . If your group of friends periodically the burger place every Saturday , and the ice cream competition on who can eat more perfect, you 're bound to find in a few hours what you have accomplished over the past week . Social pressure has frustrated the best plans and dreams of many serious and dedicated established . You deserved a gift which can from time to time should not be out of the question, but can not be the norm. If your friends support the new , fantastic, but if not, be prepared to find different friends , at least until you reach your goals and have the discipline to stay the course.

Step 5 - Patience - Do not be one of those people who get on the scale after a few days and get discouraged. You can not cancel the accumulation of a lifetime of bad eating habits and sedentary lifestyle in a week, even a month. However, you will see results. Better yet, you feel how the results before the balance to do . But keep in mind from the beginning that , to reach your destination , you should take a seemingly infinite number of steps , which at first seems to be the destination will be the measure of what it was when you took the first . Just keep putting one foot before the other and walk down the path and you .

Bonus Tip - Fraud - Well, it's really not cheating, it's using all the weapons at your disposal. There is a growing market in front of supplements and vitamins to help you achieve your goals. More recently , a study conducted at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania highlighted the benefits of green coffee beans ( unroasted ) for weight loss . The study suggests that a component in unroasted coffee beans , chlorogenic acid , promotes weight loss and prevents fat retention , even without dieting. If a proper diet and exercise are mixed , the results are even better. Do not start taking a hundred different products. Use one or two , make sure they are safe and backed by serious studies , and follow the instructions , and against the manufacturer .

Bonus Tip - upping the ante - As you begin to exercise regularly, your body will get used and that " plateau" . Only then did the same exercises do not cause loss of extra weight or build more muscle. You must increase the intensity of your exercise and different on the fly. Naturally , you will find that the exercises that you could not even contemplate without fading back when it started, now feasible. So start to " do " once you reach this point , and continues , while increasing their capabilities.

Good luck, and send me a note as you head to your destination! Always good to have postcards ...

Don't Lose Your Mind - Lose Your Weight

Fantastic read ! This book by Rujuta Diwakar , sports science and nutrition specialist to lose weight without giving up the food you like to eat is worth reading . I went through the books on this subject by several authors , but simply fell in love with this .

I would like to share a few simple rules for eating well. What we need to change the food, but our way of life . Eat what you want and get rid of those extra pounds ... Is not it great ! quotes regime

There are a few things you should consider are :

We always eat when you wake up : do not start the day with tea or coffee.

The simple logic behind this is that the level of sugar in the blood when we sleep and when we have a fruit or its equivalent in the morning helps to increase sugar levels in the blood. After a small space can have this precious cup of coffee.

2 Eat every two to three hours a day .

To increase our metabolic rate eat a small part of our daily diet will help a lot . If the distance between the two meals is more , then it may be a cause of indigestion and heartburn. What we need to do is divide our good food in small portions and do so after just two hours. Not only do we have all the nutrients, it also helps burn fat.

3 Eating should be directly proportional to their level of activity .

Very well ! If we simply lazy or sedentary species do the work, then we can reduce heavy meals when we have a little light , but if we are mentally and physically involved in hectic work then the amount of food that we also have to be consistent. The golden rule is never let your stomach feel the pain of hunger and do not cross the line and overeating.

4 There should be a minimum of two hours between the last meal and at bedtime.

Obviously , we have our last meal at 19 o'clock . After our stomach is reduced and want to relax and good justice is done for the food we have. But in practice , if it is not possible, then everything is the last hour of the meal, it would be better if we sleep after two hours of having it.

5 No follow these modes extreme diets - they are not sustainable and not just that we can not work.Anything life is bad for the body .

All six types of foods are good as long as you eat the right amount at the right time . Never go on a diet , you have to do is to change your lifestyle.

And last but not least is that exercise is not negotiable. Except that the exercise does not expect to see miracles , despite good eating habits. Yoga, walking, swimming, dancing , aerobics any exercise for two hours three times a week should be.

7 Try to dine at a table to eat. Enough to have bent on a couch watching television.

Personally, I am following these tips , and I saw the change in my body. Enjoy life to the fullest , instilling these valuable tips . Health !

Laser Liposuction - The Best Non-Invasive Method For Removing Fat From Stomach

Have you ever been in a situation where no matter what you do and how you try , they can not get rid of that stubborn fat ? Well, most of us who gain weight once they find a very familiar scenario . Then there are those who , despite being healthy and fit , the development of fat in certain areas of the body that simply refuses to go away . For men, it is especially the waist area while the woman is known to have problems with fat deposits in areas such as the abdomen , thighs and hips. For all these people , no laser treatment - Surgery is the ideal solution to eliminate belly fat.

When traditional methods , such as diet and exercise is not to get rid of excess fat , many of us are left with only one option , liposuction . Previously, this option involved a lot of risk of the method used to remove fat was very invasive and traumatic nature. In addition , a fairly high percentage of people who have undergone surgery have experienced problems like lumps bumps and skin irregularities . In comparison , patients who opt for laser liposuction are smooth and firm skin after the procedure.

What treatment differs from traditional liposuction ?

Downtime : Well, for starters , laser liposuction is completely non-invasive compared to surgical liposuction and other minimally invasive treatment methods . When patients undergo surgery to remove fat , must be placed under general anesthesia , which means that there would be considerable stop once the process is complete.

Effect on the skin treatment : As explained above , surgical procedures may cause skin irregularities and divots , and caused other problems. The scars from liposuction are also one of the side effects. In comparison, laser treatment tightens the skin and patients have smooth skin younger, naturally.

Invasion: surgical liposuction , as the name clearly indicates, is very similar to any surgery , and carries risks , as well as any other invasive procedure . The invasion of liposuction surgery means that patients may experience significant blood loss in the process. In comparison, the base of the laser liposuction is a noninvasive procedure in which the patients did not need medical attention after treatment.

Payback : Liposuction Surgery involves considerable bruising, bleeding and scarring. Patients need at least a week to recover from these problems , while the recovery period may be even longer in some cases. Moreover, patients can simply walk in clinic , undergo a laser treatment session , and be on your merry way less than an hour. No downtime, loss of blood , fear or bruising and no recovery time, ever.

Cost of the procedure : A surgical procedure is quite an expensive proposition compared to laser treatment . Since you have to pay for the operating room, the anesthesiologist , the surgeon and other staff , overheads become important . In comparison, the cost of laser liposuction is quite affordable , because it is necessary for professionals or institutions mentioned above.