Here's what to do when you're losing speed, no books
1) There is no welfare weight loss. Did you just make good food choices when you are trying to lose weight? This could lead to weight gain if you return to your old habits once you have reached your goal. "You have to eat every day, why do not you eat better every day?" Rania recommend Batayneh, MPH.
2) Establish reasonable goals. Ask yourself if what you are trying to achieve is reasonable. "Trying to do too much too soon can actually cost," says Dr. Andrew Weil, director of holistic health and healing at Miraval Resort & Spa. Lose 50 pounds in two months is not reasonable, but lose 10 pounds in two months is.
3) Limit but not eliminate. "Eliminating your favorite foods just make you want / want more," says Rania Batayneh, MPH. Instead, Batayneh suggest you leave less healthy option but to find a way to limit your consumption (in part or in frequency) to avoid feelings of deprivation.
4) Pace yourself. Taking too much at once is a recipe for disaster. Instead of taking in a lot of new things that are not exactly eager to (a new exercise program, new strict diet regime), why not take action measures bite? "Working on a task that you have been putting off for ten minutes and then decide whether to continue or not. Stopping the task, schedule another time to do it," says Dr.
Andrew Weil, Director of Integral Health and Healing at Miraval Resort .
5) Try to change their blue lines. Did you know that the color blue is a known appetite suppressant? Why not use a little color to help you stay on track? "Eat dinner on a blue plate and you find that you need less to feel satisfied," she advises intuitive color expert Elizabeth Harper.
6) Make a list of all new habits positive changes you have made. Instead of focusing solely on changes that are not (a decrease of scale weight), focus on the benefits you have noticed, how to save money by not wasting junk food or increase the energy level of the year, adviser Valerie Berkowitz, author of The Stubborn Fat Fix.
7) Celebrate the small victories! "Remember that fitness is more like a marathon than a sprint," advises Stacy Berman certified instructor. "By setting small weekly or monthly goals that you will be able to track their progress will keep you motivated to continue and how to reach step by step," says Berman. And once you have achieved a goal, regardless of your own! hold size not always want to feel like you're away from the finish line - come celebrate every step along the way.
8) Wear Red to go! "If your energy is low and you feel bored in a project or an event (or work?) Then
wear red", suggests expert Elizabeth Harper intuitive colors. According to Harper, red stimulates the system, boosts your confidence and gives you the means of action.
9) trick your sweat! "Buy some exercise clothes style that makes you look good," suggests Kate Brown, Director of Community Daily Burn. "If you look good, you feel good," said Brown. It will also be much more likely to put on his new sports team in these difficult days (when out of time / tired / cold sound of the month, etc..)
10) The fall of the mentality of "perfect". Did you slip up? Having a moment of weakness? That's fine, says Valerie Berkowitz, Director of Nutrition for Central balanced health. "Use crazy as motivation to get back on track," Berkowitz recommended. Instead of using it as an excuse to have a donut for breakfast, as I cheated last night, you might as well keep the deception, suffice to say that it will rehire and compensate for it.
11) Be kind to yourself. Give yourself a hug from time to time! Train hard, eat well, sleep well, but once a week, give yourself a treat, says personal trainer Stephen Cooper. Enjoy your favorite, get a massage, or just take some time to relax dessert.
12) Nix the approach of "all or nothing". It is essential that any changes you make are not "all or nothing" said Beth Campbell Duke Duke Personal Branding. Use a calendar and gold stars to reward their efforts. It may seem strange, but it gives you a snapshot of your efforts, so that the next time you forget the gym or start to go back to old eating habits, you are less likely to feel that you are not around and give up .
13) Have an accountability partner. Find a friend, a coach or a group (10 lbs DOWN anyone?) Who will keep you on track if you miss a workout, or feel like quitting suggests Stephen Cooper, certified personal trainer.
14) Every day, notice how your weight loss is to make you feel healthier. Focus on the feelings of better health, not thinness suggests physiologist Dr. Michele Olson. You can find more motivated to keep working towards your goal, especially on days when the scale does not move.
15) When you fall, get right back and try again. You can not control everything, so why fight in a workout or diet lost slide up? It is still well waste time training session on time, says fitness expert Tony Horton. "It does not erase all the hard work you've done so far, or to say that you have to start," says Horton, "right where you left when you were able to."
16) Focus on what is going well. "Too often, we become discouraged because we missed a workout or two," says sports psychology professor Dr. Rob Bell. Instead of fighting for the things you did not do (like eating well or drive every day), take a moment to recognize the actions you take towards your goals (such as cooking a healthy meal, walk during your lunch break, etc.) - while you do them.
17) Stop focusing only on the physical changes. Set fitness goals or vanity weight loss based on these activities, the recommended time or frequency based fitness instructor Kelly Gray conditioning. For example, instead of promising to have a 6 pack in 6 weeks (which can be quite a feat to accomplish) to be able to run for 45 minutes 2-3 times a week.
You will not see results immediately to work, but you can feel instantly.
18) Use your social network! Post-it, tweet, blog about it, whatever you want, but put it there! "If you tell others that you try an important objective is the support that is held accountable, and makes your steps to success less overwhelming," said Shelagh Braley my life. Share your goals online you can find someone who shares your goals and you can add to your support system (like we do here in 10 pounds down!).
19) Schedule all your workouts at least a month in advance. Training "dates" in creating your calendar really gives its priority and plan structure, says fitness expert Tony Horton, author of Bring It On: The revolutionary fitness plan for all levels burns fat , strengthens muscles, and inches destroyed. Connect to your iPhone, BlackBerry or Outlook or writing on a wall in the old calendar.
20) Choose one or two to bring new healthy habits - not 10 or 20. Simple small changes can help you get great results, says aging and longevity specialist Sukie Baxter. We decided to make one or two small things every day, like drinking a smoothie first thing in the morning or with a bottle of water during the day to stay hydrated. Some small steps a day can help keep the new changes, avoid overwhelming.
21) Take a cue from your local coffee shop and set the mood for your mind. Many of us visit these channels fancy coffee every day and fortunately pay $ 4 for a cup of coffee (which, if you think about it, it's crazy), but his job is to make you feel good store, if do not mind spending. And this is the key to good nutrition and exercise a part of your life, says Kate Galliett, personal trainer care Barone spine. Turn to your new training plan as many ways as possible - just like the photos of delicious cocktails, live music and tantalizing aromas that surround you in coffee - so I do not mind 'spend' time and effort into this .
22) Change the scenery around you. "The behavior is often shaped by our environment instead of willpower, says Catherine Kruppa, MS, RD Houstonian Club in Houston. Example, decide to eat your favorite frozen yogurt when you're in the yogurt shop instead you take it home and eating cardboard while watching television. You can still enjoy your favorite food, but probably end up eating less.
23) with the pillow. According to Feng Shui, everything has energy. "Write down your goal and sleep with it under my pillow," advises the Feng Shui expert Donna Stellhorn. Literally, "sleep on it" (your objectives) will integrate this energy into you and can help happen earlier.
24) Cut the negative internal dialogue. Choose to avoid negative thoughts. And when you start thinking negatively, have an "out" that will quickly take you away from negative thoughts galliet Kate suggests personal trainer, "I asked," What is the gain? "If you pay off the brownie I eat is not something that makes me lighter, fitter, happier in the long run - back on my decision."
25) Have a plan B ready. Setbacks happen, but the way they deal with them that matters most, says Catherine Kruppa, MS, RD. "Leads successful use meta setbacks as motivation to re-engage," says Kruppa, "identify what caused the ticket and use it as a learning opportunity." Have a little different loan options if your plan does not work, and use the obstacles as learning tools to try new things.
26) Be your own cheerleader. Place sticky notes anywhere in your home with memories of motivation as "I feel good" or "food is fuel, which as when necessary" suggests certified personal trainer and chef Ursula Rafer.
27) Keep your motivation (and objectives) evolution. "I think my motivation around me - whether it is to stay healthy to be there for my daughter, which is enough to carry or fit enough to cope with his strong," said the health and fitness blogger Maria Garofalo Mccauley. "When my motivation decreases after reaching a specific goal, it is time to put a new one! Objectives of dynamic change and I always liked to have something new to shoot."
28) Cross form their habits. Mix things is not only good for your fitness plan, but also works with your daily decisions and personal trainer, PJ Stahl said. For example, instead of eating on the night of Friday, and potentially eat again all the calories you've worked all week in one session, why not organize a healthy dinner for you and your friends? Negotiation of an old habit not so good for another good habit you expect, so you can help make lasting changes.
29) in three steps your goal. Having a big goal (like losing 50 pounds) can be quite overwhelming and easy to lose motivation because it takes some time to achieve. Break your goal into three mini-goals or small steps, suggests fitness expert PJ Stahl . Creating a three-step process can also help target gradually build healthy choices in their life, rather than trying to reform at a time.
30) Evaluate your goal. What you really want to achieve? If your goal is not valid or important enough, you'll lose interest quickly life coach, says Ronald Kaufman. Take a moment to re-evaluate what you are working toward - if there is something that is very important to you at this time, this may be the time to try to get to it, or you might have to create a new goal, which will excite and motivate.
Tell us what do you do to stay motivated?
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