you earn your body
You do not want to spend long hours in the gym, but he wants to be stronger, fitter, slimmer, and just look good. It is possible that you do not get the most out of your workout time.You can get a super effective workout in 30 minutes, and only a few workouts a week, if you maximize your workouts.
Disclaimer: First, I am not a certified trainer. Here are some tips I've read elsewhere that works fine for me. Secondly, you should always get a doctor's approval of any new workout plan. This plan is particularly intense, so if you have heart disease or other condition that may be affected by strenuous exercise, you must refrain from trying until I checked by a doctor.And even if you got their break, or even if you do not mind doing, it is always important to start an exercise program slowly, until your body has a chance to adapt, or will face exhaustion or injury.Do not dive into this program - which is designed for people who have already worked on but want to see better results, faster, and spend less time doing it. Here's how.
1.Limit your workouts with 30-40 minutes.
Despite the tendency of some people who really want to make a lot of their workouts is to spend a lot of time in the gym, the truth is that after 30 or 40 minutes, the advantage is not so great. To go so long, would reduce the intensity of the workout, and that means you spend too much time working. It is better to train at a higher for a short period of time intensity.
2.high intensity workouts.
If you're just starting to exercise, it is best to take things slowly. If you are running or cycling, for example, increase your endurance for at least a month before going into something more intense. This means going at a pace where you can easily talk without being out of breath. However, once you have that base of endurance, increase the intensity to increase the effectiveness of training.
Many people do not pay enough attention to get the protein your muscles need to rebuild. Otherwise, will get very little of your workout, both cardio and strength workouts require protein for building muscle. Recommend whey or soy protein shakes.
Make sure to hydrate throughout the day. It takes a few hours for your body to absorb water, so you can not take just before exercise. Make it a habit to drink water regularly throughout the day water.
Although the low-carb craze might say otherwise, carbs are the main source of fuel our bodies. If you do intense exercise, you need carbs, or you will not have enough energy. If you make a move, make sure to include carbs - or a banana is a good source of fiber, low / high carbohydrate you need exercise glycemic.
6.Shake before and after formation.
It is best to take a protein shake / carbs right before your workout and immediately after. Take before your workout increases the flow of amino acids to your muscles during training, giving them the building blocks they need. After training, the movement stimulates muscle growth. Please also take a small meal of protein / carbohydrates 60-90 minutes after a workout - a meal replacement bar would work well.
7.Slow investigation.
Many people contract their muscles slowly and release quickly. But if you lift slowly in both directions, you are maximizing each move. Raise and lower 5 seconds count in each direction.
8.Heavier weight.
When you start, it is best to start with lower weight so that you can focus on good form. But once you have received the form below, it is best to lift the heaviest weight you can lift while keeping good form. Do not sacrifice form for heavy weights - that is ineffective. But the heavy weight with good form, can give better results in a short period of time. Trucks are not just for those who want to bulk up - this is a common mistake.
9.One set to failure.
Instead of doing 2-3 sets, as many people do, maximize your effectiveness to one, with heavy weights, until you can no longer maintain proper form. Mast "failure" does not mean that you have recently raised with unstable or ineffective.
10.Compound exercises.
Instead of isolating your muscles with exercises like bicep curl, you can maximize the time you spend in a workout by doing exercises that work multiple muscle groups at once. With some exercises, you can get a full body workout. Another advantage is that the muscles are working together as they do in the real world, rather than alone. Some great compound exercises include squats, deadlifts, hello, slots, pumps, bench presses, military presses, rows, pull-ups, dips, etc..
11.Balance Survey.
Instead of having exercises where you sit or stand for something or not stabilized, it is more efficient to do it standing or leg, or on a Swiss exercise ball. These types of exercises force you to balance while lifting, which brings your core muscles into play. This gives you a stronger overall body and allows you to lift more over time.
12.Pick a cardio exercise you enjoy.
It's no fun to exercise if you hate it. And do not keep it for long. Pick something that's fun - running, walking, swimming, biking, hiking, rowing, climbing, etc. After the initial phase when you are used to exercising, you start to have a blast and we forward to it.
13.Mix up.
Do not stick to the same workout routine for too long, or your body will adapt to the stress level and you will not get an effective workout. For strength training, change your routine every few weeks. For cardio, it is best to cross train rather than, for example, to run every time.
14.good form.
For strength training especially, and swimming, form is very important, but it is also important for other types of exercise. If you are weight training, start with lighter weights so you can work on the form. It is good to have an assistant or experienced trainer who knows good form to help you during the first month or two. Never sacrifice form for more weight. For swimming, you need to get a coach to teach you how.
If you run or bike or walk for cardio, you want to incorporate hills (after the first or second month to do at an easy pace on a flat surface). They become stronger and make your limited time more effective workout. Take it easy at first, but once you're used to the mountain, you can get a good rate. Either use a hilly route or do repeats on a hill.
The ideal workout plan
If you take all these tips in mind, the perfect plan is to alternate 2-3 days of strength training high intensity cardio 2-3 days of high intensity. You could get by with 4 days of exercise if you do them at high high intensity training of the force would be 30-40 minutes of circuit without rest or little rest between exercises in a circuit and a short rest between circuits if you make more than one. The system must work the entire body with compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, chin, hello, etc., and standing or using a Swiss ball so that you work your heart. You should use heavier weights, one for each year, slowly (5 seconds up, 5 seconds down), and while, ensuring that you have a good form for each exercise.You would have a protein shake / carbs before and after training, and a small meal of protein / carbs within 60-90 minutes of the workout. Water is also important for both types of workouts.The high intensity cardio would be something that you enjoy doing. He could do interval training at a pace that could not talk, with short breaks between intervals. In some exercises, must incorporate the hills.Remember, these high intensity workouts are not for people who have just started. You must build a base endurance before high intensity cardio, weights and start with light weights, stressing good shape.
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